
8 Signs That Your Team is Inefficient and Likely to Experience Underperforming Employee Issues

July 13th, 2023

Employee performance acts as a robust foundation for organizational success. Having a high-performance team can elevate your company to new heights. When employees operate at their full potential, it leads to improved productivity, enhanced client satisfaction, increased innovation, and overall operational superiority.

High-performing employees bring their skills, knowledge, and loyalty to their roles, enabling the organization to progress its goals and objectives.

On the other side of the coin, poor performance can have detrimental impacts on your organization. When employees underperform, it can result in decreased productivity, skipped deadlines, lower quality of labor, and ultimately, a damaging influence on organizational success.

Poor employee performance can lead to dissatisfied customers, as the organization may fall short to meet their anticipations. This can harm the organization's reputation and result in loss of business and potential opportunities.

That's why measuring your team's performance on a regular basis is crucial: You know when to utilize strategies centered on boosting your team's competence at work.

What is underperformance?

Underperformance refers to the inability to meet the benchmarks or tasks expected within an organization. It occurs when the actual performance and outputs do not align with what is desired, planned, or demanded. Factors contributing to underperformance can vary from scene to scene.

They may include incompetence, inadequate resources or support, ineffective communication, lack of ambition or engagement, external challenges, or even personal issues such as health issues or individual problems.

Recognizing and addressing underperformance is essential for individuals and organizations to sustain success. It involves a commitment to continuous learning, growth, and adaptation to overcome challenges and meet performance expectations effectively.

How do you diagnose an underperforming team?

NO WORRIES - we've got your back! Although underperforming is a significant organizational drawback, it can be managed with the right training, observations and supervision.

Now that we understand the meaning of underperformance and the potential consequences of not addressing it, let's explore how to diagnose underperformance within a team.

Interpreting underperformance involves identifying the the root cause or causes of the issue, understanding contributing factors, and gathering relevant information to address them.

Let's dive in and take a look at how underperformance manifests itself in a company.

Employee disengagement hits

When employee engagement levels drop off, it can be a clear indicator of employee underperformance. Decreased engagement levels often hint at a lack of encouragement, loyalty, and bond to the work and the organization. Disengaged employees may frequently call in sick, take more days off, or show a lack of commitment to their work schedules.

This consistent absence can disrupt team dynamics, and workload distribution, and decrease overall productivity. Being unable to handle the current workload, underperforming workers may avoid team communications, contribute minimally to group projects, or demonstrate a lack of cooperation.

Their disengagement can hinder effective communication, slow knowledge sharing, and impede overall team performance.

High error rates and poor quality issues arise

Another indicator of employee underperformance worth keeping an eye on is the apparent decline in work quality. An underperforming employee or a team member can be recognized by a decrease in the quality of their work.

This process can be observed through errors, inaccuracies, or a lack of attention to detail in their outputs. Tasks that were once completed to a high standard may now show signs of carelessness.

The quality of the products or services delivered by employees directly affects the organization's prestige and external perception. When there is a decrease in the quality of work, it can have detrimental effects on the organization's reputation and competitiveness in the market.

Low productivity

Low productivity is a key symptom of inefficiency and underperformance within a team. When a team member struggles to complete a task or fails to meet expected outputs, it can greatly influence overall performance. Team members may take longer than necessary to conclude projects, exhibit recurring distractions, or struggle with time management. It may occur as a lack of focus, excessive procrastination, or a failure to prioritize tasks effectively.

Regular monitoring and feedback are crucial in managing low productivity. It allows leaders to improve performance, provide guidance, pinpoint areas for advancement, and offer timely interventions.

Regular feedback and constant attention qualify leaders and managers to establish open lines of communication, provide guidance, and foster a collaborative environment.

A lack of collaboration and communication

A lack of collaboration and communication can manifest in various ways within a team. When an employee is underperforming, a sense of disconnection or detachment from their work and the team can often be observed.

Team members may work in silence during meetings, avoiding conveying information, ideas, or resources to their colleagues. There might be a lack of effective communication channels, resulting in misunderstandings, misalignment, and delays in project execution.

Collaboration and communication are keystones of effective teamwork. When team members are unable to cooperate, it hinders their ability to support each other's strengths, share expertise, and collectively solve problems. It also restricts the exchange of diverse mindsets and innovative views, which can hamper the team's ability to find excellent solutions.

Low employee morale and enthusiasm

Underperforming employees usually lose interest quickly and display a lack of interest or passion for their tasks. They experience performance issues in a timely manner. A general sense of dissatisfaction, negativity, and a lack of willingness among employees can give you hints about inefficiency in the work environment.

Employees with low ethics may have reduced energy, show less initiative, and may be less likely to take on additional job duties and responsibilities or seek growth opportunities.

Note that poor job fit and unrealistic expectations may provoke low morale, work quality, and job satisfaction causing employees to feel overwhelmed, discouraged, or disengaged due to the challenges they expect to encounter in fulfilling job expectations.

Workplace Stress and Burnout

It is no wonder that workplace stress and burnout function as clues when it comes to underperforming employees. Team members who are unable to maintain a healthy work-life balance usually experience work-related stress and distorted focus, which ultimately results in underperformance issues.

Constant workplace stress and burnout are red flags that indicate an employee may be struggling to negate professional and personal life and meet the performance goals of the work. That's why managers should regularly monitor shifts in employee behavior, performance, and well-being.

Encouraging open communication and promoting positive and constructive feedback can help identify stress and burnout early on.

High turnover rates and absenteeism

High employee turnover rates and habitual absence from work can be significant indicators of team dysfunction. When team members frequently leave or are absent, it indicates the underlying problems that restrict the team's ability to perform effectively.

They often reflect discontentment, disengagement, or lack of career advancement opportunities within the company. Employees who are discontented with their work environment or feel disconnected from their positions are more likely to seek other job options or exhibit absenteeism.

Leaders must address underperformance related to high employee turnover rates and absenteeism with a comprehensive approach focusing on the underlying causes and executing proper strategies. By operating those plans, organizations can work towards improving performance and reducing turnover rates and absenteeism.

Provide the right tools for underperforming employees.

When dealing with underperforming employees, providing them with the right tools can support their improvement and contribute to overall team efficiency.

Teamble is a leading tool that offers practical features for addressing performance issues. Here's how:

  • Tracking Competence: Teamble allows you to track individual and team performance metrics. By observing progress and performance indicators, you can pinpoint areas where underperforming employees may need extra support.
  • Goal Setting and Alignment: Teamble enables you to set clear goals and objectives for each team member. By aligning their tasks and responsibilities with specific targets, you provide space for improvement and qualify them to focus on required areas.
  • Task Management: With Teamble, you can assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress, promoting accountability and ensuring that underperforming employees have a clear understanding of their deliverables.
  • Feedback and Recognition: Teamble offers features for continuous feedback and recognition. Regular feedback is the greatest investment for underperforming employees to understand their areas for improvement and receive guidance on how to enhance their performance. 
  • Collaboration and Support: Teamble facilitates collaboration among team members, fostering a supportive environment in which underperforming employees can seek guidance from their coworkers, benefit from shared knowledge, and overcome challenges.

By combining Teamble with a consistent approach, you can help underperforming employees enhance their performance and contribute to overall team efficiency.